Senator Joe Lieberman Knows How to Unplug and Reconnect

It is incredible that our Unplugging and Reconnecting message is at the core of Senator Joe Lieberman’s latest book “The Gift of Rest.” In Senator Lieberman’s own words,


“We live such busy lives that are so demanding, particularly in the IT age, it is very hard to separate from work.” ~ Senator Joseph Lieberman
The fundamental goal of Unplug and Reconnect is to help us find a balance between our technology-laden, multitasking selves and our creative, emotional and spiritual needs — to benefit from one while sustaining the other. This balance is hard to achieve and hard to explain. We are in the processes of creating additional resources, in-person programs and seminars that highlight this topic.
The “Gift of Rest”, to be released on August 17, is a must-read.
As Senator Lieberman noted in an interview with Kirkus Reviews, “I think what we lose when we’re [online] 24/7 is an appreciation of all we’ve been given, and an appreciation of non-work elements of our lives, both in the natural world, which is what the creation is about and also [in] the human world…our family and our friends.”

We think “The Gift of Rest” delivers the Unplug and Reconnect message perfectly!

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