Senator Joe Lieberman Knows How to Unplug and Reconnect

It is incredible that our Unplugging and Reconnecting message is at the core of Senator Joe Lieberman’s latest book “The Gift of Rest.” In Senator Lieberman’s own words, Read more [+]

It’s not just Americans who are addicted! Brits have a hard time disconnecting too.

When given the challenge to disconnect for one full day, British participants likened the task to being as hard as quitting cigarettes or alcohol.

A recent project, Digital Selves, by consumer research group Intersperience queried 1000 people from 18 to 65 about their feelings and usage of the internet and other digital technology. The study found the following results: Read more [+]

Sign the Declaration of Independence from Technology!

A revolution is underway

– a revolution to reclaim our lives from the tyranny of ever growing technological connectivity. While the advances in technology are a great boon to humankind, (note events in the Middle East) there is a distinct tendency for us to become addicted to the rush of being plugged in, connected, and able to constantly twitter or update our moment-to-moment status.  This 4th of July, 2011, we have written our Declaration and posted it here for you to sign. Read more [+]