It’s not just Americans who are addicted! Brits have a hard time disconnecting too.

When given the challenge to disconnect for one full day, British participants likened the task to being as hard as quitting cigarettes or alcohol.

A recent project, Digital Selves, by consumer research group Intersperience queried 1000 people from 18 to 65 about their feelings and usage of the internet and other digital technology. The study found the following results: Read more [+]

Declaring Independence from Techology in NYC and Las Vegas – Sign the Declaration Today!

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The Personal Declaration of Independence of Technology

I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created unplugged, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are uninterrupted Dinners shared with Family and Friends, Vacations dedicated to Experiential – not Virtual – Activities, and offline Conversations and Relationships.
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My Love/Hate Relationship With Computers

I compose the vast majority of my music on computer.  Using computer-based synths, effects, and modeling software (along with the attached audio interface, electric guitar, and microphones), I am basically a one-man orchestra.  The computer allows for versatility in instrumentation, creativity in experimentation, and flexibility in location… Read more [+]

Unplug and Reconnect to get a good night’s sleep

A recently published article on IndyStar says “Ninety-five percent of those surveyed use some type of electronics, including a computer, video game, cellphone or television, at least a few nights weekly within an hour before bed.” Read more [+]