A revolution is underway
– a revolution to reclaim our lives from the tyranny of ever growing technological connectivity. While the advances in technology are a great boon to humankind, (note events in the Middle East) there is a distinct tendency for us to become addicted to the rush of being plugged in, connected, and able to constantly twitter or update our moment-to-moment status. This 4th of July, 2011, we have written our Declaration and posted it here for you to sign.
This is a Declaration of our fight against our rampant overuse and abuse of technology; against the complete saturation of social media and gadgetry infiltrating every single moment of our lives; against the insidious addictive apps and games that pull our family members and friends away regardless of location, situation or setting: eating dinner, watching the game, sitting at the beach, or attending a party.
At U&R, we do love technology and the benefits it provides to us and our clients, but we also realize that we should be the master and not enslaved by it. We are the creator, and we are in charge.
We declare that there are times to Unplug and Reconnect with other human beings face-to-face. Everywhere we look, we see people overly consumed, even addicted to the friendly technology that we created to assist and enrich our lives. Students are focused on their games and smart phones instead of attending to the lesson taking place in front of them. Parents are ignoring their children while sitting around the same dinner table. On family vacations they remain 100% connected to the office with their Bluetooth and their iPad. People are videotaping events instead of living the events. We hear about people going to bed with their iPhone to check updates constantly through the night.
We have warned our technological brethren from time to time of their unrelenting attempts to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity to no avail.
We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity of Presenting this signed Declaration to the major offenders Google, Nintendo, Apple, Sony, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and others and to the legislative bodies who have been equally deaf to the voice balance and consanguinity — our senators, representative and President.
The Declaration states:
“When in the Course of Technology it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the wireless bandwidths which have connected them through unrelentingly addictive devices to unceasing 24/7 news and entertainment and to resume among the low tech communities of the earth, communities filled with human connectivity and personal interactions to which the ideals of Family and Community entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to disconnect from such technology.”