Join us this weekend unplugging in Prospect Park!
Over 550 people and counting have signed our Declaration of Independence from Technology, in person or online! Are you one of the signees?
Unplug and Reconnect™Love Technology…Love People More.™ |
Join us this weekend unplugging in Prospect Park!
Over 550 people and counting have signed our Declaration of Independence from Technology, in person or online! Are you one of the signees?
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– a revolution to reclaim our lives from the tyranny of ever growing technological connectivity. While the advances in technology are a great boon to humankind, (note events in the Middle East) there is a distinct tendency for us to become addicted to the rush of being plugged in, connected, and able to constantly twitter or update our moment-to-moment status. This 4th of July, 2011, we have written our Declaration and posted it here for you to sign. Read more [+]
I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created unplugged, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are uninterrupted Dinners shared with Family and Friends, Vacations dedicated to Experiential – not Virtual – Activities, and offline Conversations and Relationships.
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Meet us this Fourth of July weekend as we start the 2011 Revolution – to overthrow Technology’s tyranny over our lives!
We’ll be in Times Square (Sunday) and at the South Street Seaport (Monday) from 11-4pm, spreading the word about our Declaration of Independence from Technology – and handing out goodies!
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